Doctor reputation

2 Views | 0 High Fives
Education & Training


The abundance of angry, misleading or even false online reviews were damaging doctors' reputations - creating internal stress and loss of business. Create calmness among more than 100 time-stressed doctors by teaching them how to react to and manage, any and all online reviews directly relating to them.


A humorous tutorial video, presented with popcorn in a movie swag bag, to be viewed at home then followed up with guideline materials at their offices.


100% compliance with viewing as well as short and long-term follow up polishing of over 31,000 online listings or reviews.

~5 Employees
$5,000 Min Budget
1 Stories
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Naperville, Illinois

Mentum is a full service marketing agency based on a philosophy that every company or brand needs some sort of specific momentum to get sales started, move things along or to keep business flowing.

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