
A Marketing Story by Sagon-Phior about ARCHICAD
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Increase Brand Awareness


The goal: disrupt an industry by producing a riveting episodic series and brand experience. Episodes explore in-depth interviews with high-profile architects and developers that reveal how they can be more innovative, successful and productive.


GRAPHISOFT is a global software developer. Their ARCHICAD and BIMx technologies enable architects to push traditional boundaries of creativity. This unexpected marketing and branded content effort, supported with social media, brought the stories of architects and designers to life. The result of this online series turbocharged sales efforts, expanded awareness, deepened loyalty among existing customers and captured market share from the largest competitor.

~15 Employees
$10,000 Min Budget
9 Stories


Los Angeles, California

At Sagon-Phior, we are a digital branding and marketing agency that strives to establish powerful connections between brands and their customers through emotional marketing, branding, and technology. Our focus on emotional marketing allows brands to gain a better understanding of the crucial but often unnoticed patterns of customer behavior, emotion...

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