Inland Imaging

A Marketing Story by C2 Connections about Inland Imaging
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Inland Imaging
Increase Brand Awareness


C2 Connections aided Inland Imaging in creating a video interview that focused on the benefits of 3D Mammography.


The 2:30 video clip was shared in an article published on It was also shared on KHQ-TV's social media channels several times a month. Additionally, the video clip was supplied to Inland Imaging so they could use the clip as they see fit. Aside from the Content Marketing and Native Advertising solutions, C2 also executed a series of Targeted Display Advertising campaigns. The campaigns, which included mobile Geo-Fencing with Conversion Zone metrics, resulted in hundreds of additional website visits. We were also able to measure the amount of people who saw an ad for Inland Imaging and then showed up in person at one of Inland Imaging's physical locations.

~5 Employees
$5,000 Min Budget
1 Stories
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C2 Connections

Spokane, Washington

C2 Connections helps small and medium sized businesses in the Northwest develop strategies to maximize their exposure and influence through online marketing and advertising. We help local businesses make valuable connections to their customers by offer...

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