
A Marketing Story by Stripes Agency about Hillsdale College
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Hillsdale College
Improve User Experience


The Challenge 01 While the admissions marketing program has historically focused on direct mail and email, Stripes was brought in to provide additional touchpoints for prospective students to gather info requests, applications and enrollment.


02 Media Stripes leverages third-party data to target prospective students who have achieved a certain SAT score. This seed audience is then used to build broader lookalikes to fill in any gaps that occur as a result of the matchback rate. Prospective students are served an awareness campaign. The Solution 03 Creative Our creative for Hillsdale’s undergraduate admissions focuses on both the student experience and on Hillsdale’s worldwide recognition. We looked to Hillsdale’s blog, print materials, and video testimonials to coordinate with their other admissions efforts. We took a multichannel, multifaceted approach by creating link, carousel, and canvas ads for Facebook, and story ads for Instagram.

~15 Employees
$10,000 Min Budget
1 Stories
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Stripes Agency

Dallas, Texas

We got tired of social media agencies talking big but not being able to prove they’d done anything — at all. Based in Dallas, TX.

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