When painting by numbers becomes a work of art.

A Marketing Story by Madplum Creative about BVOH
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Improve User Experience


BVOH just gets it. Finance and accounting, that is. They’re number people. It’s in their DNA. Unfortunately, numbers have a certain reputation for being impersonal, cold, and clinical. But the revolutionary recruiters at BVOH aren’t really in the numbers business. They’re in the people business. Specifically, they find experts in the field for the San Francisco Bay Area’s movers and shakers, aka the world’s most exciting companies. But their website told a different story. Complicated, intricate, verbose, and generic, the website didn’t differentiate them. It didn’t communicate how deep their relationships are in the Bay Area or how hard they work to pair up the perfect candidate and executive with the right opportunity. It didn’t evoke their personality or mission.


In close collaboration with our key client at BVOH, we created a clear, simple story to tell based on the audience. The client wanted short, punchy copy and welcoming photos of people to set the site apart from the competition. And they wanted every message to deliver a solution to their audience—from job seekers to seasoned professionals to hiring managers at established start-ups and growing, innovative businesses. Madplum stepped in to take an outline of a story and bring it to life on the website. Beautiful, sophisticated, and warm images combined with crisp, clever storytelling move visitors intuitively and efficiently through the site. What was once a heavy, overly worded site became a visual, online experience with a sense of humanity thanks to candid photos of people and fresh new language. Because BVOH not only understands numbers. They know best how to listen to you, make connections, and commit to your success. It’s really that simple. And now, their site is, too.

~5 Employees
$5,000 Min Budget
1 Stories
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Madplum Creative

Lafayette, California

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