Discount Water Softeners

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Discount Water Systems
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Build a Focused Strategy to Grow Traffic and Revenue Discount Water Softeners has had great success becoming an expert in the water softener industry and was looking for a partner to help them continue their growth, build a stronger digital presence, and add new streams of revenue


Focus On The User Experience Changing gears from a website that made the customer hunt for what they need, LuccaAM broke down the process it takes for the buyer to understand their needs to quickly find the right product for them. The outcome was a website that offers more tools and guides to help new customers quickly find a solution that meets their needs. With the redesign, it provided the opportunity to design a mobile-first experience. A cleaner header and navigation, as well as a touch-friendly experience throughout the website regardless of the users’ device, has resulted in increased revenue and a bounce rate reduction of 57%. A switch to BigCommerce Enterprise provided increase reliability, security, and a decrease in web maintenance from Magento. A Highly Competitive and Focused SEO Strategy Using research on real customers and what they search for, the strategy for Discount Water Softeners was put into high gear in order to get their products in front of their ideal customers. We targeted factions of the company including “water softeners” and “iron filtration.” In addition, content was utilized to target and answer the many questions asked by consumers in regards to their home water filtration needs. With the new strategy in full swing, coupled with daily maintenance for any sudden changes or alerts, we were able to increase rankings for our targeted to first-page results. The increased rankings led to increased visibility for more traffic, and ultimately more sales. Adding Revenue and Reducing Costs with Google Ads and Facebook PPC Google Ad initiatives were revamped to take all of the data from previous runs to see where we could increase ROI. We created new campaigns as well as cleaned up existing ones. Every day the numbers were watched to compile data that could show us the strengths and weaknesses of the campaign. The first success we saw, was to be able to spend less money without affecting conversions. The second success was increased conversions while still making sure we are saving the client money. We were able 18% to their total revenue stream through Facebook Ads and retargeting. Smart Email Marketing Through email automation and ongoing email newsletter management, we were able to add 13% to their total recurring revenue every month. Building a Social Presence DWS had a social presence on all the main platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube). We took what was in place and improved it with new types of content and tailored language to the platform. A structured content calendar was created to keep track of postings every week and schedule ahead for holidays to create consistency, fixing a problem of the past. With water softeners, a big ticket purchase, selling to potential customers requires transparency. Using verified reviews, customer photos, and promoting customer service across social media shows potential customers what the product and the service they will receive before, during, and after the purchase. Pinterest alone saw a 629% increase in viewers.


59% Increase in Organic Traffic 108% Increase in AdWords Conversion Value 13% Increase Monthly Recurring Revenue with Email Marketing 36% Increase In Conversion Rate On Mobile Devices 59% Increase In Organic Traffic 13% Increase In Total Revenue 436% Increase In Sessions From Facebook

~5 Employees
$5,000 Min Budget
1 Stories
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Lucca Alla Moda

Loves Park, Illinois

LuccaAM is an award-winning creative agency that specializes in custom Web Design & Development, Digital Marketing & SEO, and Branding.

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