Quantum: A leap ahead for legal software

A Marketing Story by Isotoma about Class Legal
Class Legal
Improve User Experience


We worked with Class Legal, experts in publishing legal resources, to modernise their vital industry application: Quantum. Class Legal is a leading publisher of tools, resources, and books for family lawyers. Their library of work is relied upon by firms throughout the UK. In particular, Class Legal is renowned for Quantum, its software that revolutionised the way firms draft and manage court orders and forms. The world of law is very fluid, with changes arising from case law happening every day; as a result rigid software risks becoming swiftly outdated. Read on to find out how Isotoma helped Class Legal build a new, flexible version of Quantum that’s able to reflect legal changes quickly and easily. Leading a revolution Family Court litigations, especially those involving divorce matters, are littered with paperwork. With so many scenarios and situations possible, each case can involve up to 130 different forms, all of which must be formatted, drafted, and filed in line with the court’s direct specification. This weight of paperwork used to give law firms restless nights, but Class Legal’s Quantum helped solicitors sleep soundly. Without Quantum, solicitors have to fill out every form individually, often monotonously answering the same questions time after time. Quantum allows them to centralise repeated data and apply it to every form; as a result, solicitors are able to produce court–approved forms in a fraction of the time. But, while Quantum provides a solution law firms really need, the current version faces challenges of its own.


From desktop to browser Quantum’s potential was becoming increasingly limited while it remained a desktop application. In the process of our build of the new, more flexible, version we also took it online, gave it a new look, a new feel, and ultimately a new lease of life. Along the way we added a host of new features: Version control — Giving users the ability to track changes made to a form over time, work collaboratively on a form at the same time, and delegate responsibility to others Modern UX — Making the interface far easier to navigate and the program much simpler to use Serverless hosting — We use a range of Amazon services, including Cognito, DynamoDB, and Lambda to host the new version of Quantum in the cloud. The move makes Quantum more robust, scalable, secure, and truly serverless Securing sensitive data It goes without saying that Quantum stores large amounts of extremely sensitive information. Therefore, it is paramount that the program is supported by a stringent security system. The Isotoma team is ISO271001 certified and includes both AWS Certified Security Specialists and CSSPs, certifications that back up our knowledge and expertise in protecting our customers’ data in cloud-based applications. Everything we’ve done for Quantum ensures end–to–end security of highly sensitive data.


Revolutionising a revolutionary Being trusted to modernise such a vital industry tool was a privilege, and we’re proud to have future–proofed and further secured Quantum as it continues to be a crucial resource for family law firms across the UK.

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