EasyBids is a multi-functional platform that connects people with verified & skilled locally based contractors for their home improvement projects and help such contractors find & gain jobs that match their expertise, through a hassle-free & fair bidding process. The customers have complete liberty as to whom they choose to allow into their homes based on the contractor's work review & background checks. The platform provides contractors with complete freedom to bid on projects that match their expertise, as per their desired rates in the location of their choice, without ever having to leave the comfort of their office or home. With a platform like EasyBids, freedom, safety & security is guaranteed. PROBLEM ANALYSIS We were given the responsibility of revamping the brand and presenting it to the world in a new light. As the brand is that of a marketplace, designing a website that gave the users a clear idea of the process was of utmost importance. A simple website, which reflected the brand's purpose was the goal.
Color Color is powerful. It influences not only how people feel, but what they do. The psychology of color can help strengthen your brand, encourage sales, & even guide visitors toward specific pages or actions on your website. UI Screens We make sure to create the user interface meeting users’ needs & making the experience pleasant & satisfying. To build effective UI, our designers dive deep into the peculiarities of your applications, learn their constituents & functionality. LEARNINGS We gain a key insight or learning into the problem , so as to reframe the problem to reflect it. 01 As the requirement was that of both designing the mobile application & the website, using elements that connect both is of high importance. 02 Incorporating images that represented the brand's purpose, like enhancing human interaction elements enhances user involvement.
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