Building AdvisorPeak's brand presence in under 2 years for acquisition value

A Marketing Story by De Lu Studios about AdvisorPeak
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AdvisorPeak offers trading and portfolio rebalancing software for financial advisors to manage their client portfolios. They have a notably innovative approach strengthened by an expert team of former financial advisors and wealth management mavens. When we stepped in to help AdvisorPeak's 1-man marketing department, they were working towards getting a solid marketing foundation. They needed a new website, email marketing, social media presence, and to just get their name out there in front of financial advisors.


De Lu designed and created AdvisorPeak’s website, however the primary focus of our collaboration was to create awareness. This included developing multi-channel video and email advertisements targeted towards financial advisors.


After just 1.5 years of our help, AdvisorPeak saw rapidly growth and were acquired by Addepar! According to Pete Giza, prior CMO at AdvisorPeak, we were responsible for taking marketing-influenced revenue from 0% to 37% in 12 months. He also said, "as interim CPO I cannot express enough how wonderful they are to work with the level of professionalism is as good as it gets."

~5 Employees
$5,000 Min Budget
2 Stories
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De Lu Studios

Apple Valley, Minnesota

Engage prospects and generate growth with strategic, highly individualized brand experiences for every stage of your selling process—prospects to loyal customers. Our creative approach and expertise in branding and market strategy can help you reach new prospects like never before. Our highly talented team provides a full suite of marketing &...

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