Father First

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Father First
Education & Training


Children raised in fatherless homes are at greater risk of infant mortality, more likely to drop out of school and are more likely to go to jail. DBA was challenged to create a statewide awareness campaign to boost responsible fatherhood, and equip fathers with resources to stay engaged in their children’s lives.


Research: Completion of polling and focus group input, campaign creative and messaging for diverse segmented audiences. Creative & Media: Create a unifying rally cry for dads to raise levels of awareness of the importance of fathers in the lives of their children through a segmented marketing and advertising campaign using facts and resources. Direct Response: Recognize June as Responsible Fatherhood Month in Florida via marketing materials for community partners to use in promotional activities (online, events, etc.)‍ Strategic Tactics: Build support for nonprofit organizations that use evidence-based parenting education.


Reaching 6.4 million social views in the first two months of the campaign was a great launch to an important initiative in the State of Florida. 1‍60,000,000 impressions in December exceeding our goal by 155MM impressions.

~39 Employees
$100,000 Min Budget
3 Stories

Daniel Brian Advertising

Rochester, Michigan

"Better Brands for a Better Human Condition" is the ethos that drives Daniel Brian Advertising, as we craft tailored marketing services for a spectrum of industries including healthcare, franchise & retail, finance & insurance, automotive, AI & technology, higher education, entertainment, and foundations. Our full-service approach encompasses brand consulting, omnichannel...

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