Building a winning brand for a competitive category

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Hardbite Chips
Brand Development


Hardbite Chips approached CREW Marketing Partners with a challenge: take a stale brand with flat sales and low market share, and make it a category leader!


With a goal of becoming a category leader in a competitive field, CREW approached the campaign with a strategy to reposition the entire brand and develop an identity that was more than just a chip. It was important to have the brand visually stand out and be present amongst all of their competitors on store shelves. CREW aimed to dominate shelf space with product extensions while staying under the general product umbrella.


After CREW’s campaign to reposition their client’s brand, Hardbite is one of the fastest-growing chip brands in the Natural Category growing over 900% in 7 years. Sales have also expanded across Canada, and into the US, and Asia, turning Hardbite into a global brand!

~46 Employees
$10,000 Min Budget
18 Stories
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Crew Food & Beverage Marketing Partners

Dallas, Texas | Toronto, Ontario

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