Remember Everything

A Marketing Story by BuzzShift about Evernote
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About the Project One of the “oldest” startups in the Bay Area, Evernote is the ultimate productivity tool, with its ability to store notes, organize them, and search all your notes, even the handwritten ones photographed and uploaded to the app. As Evernote matured, with over 225 million users, they discovered that their target audiences used Evernote differently, depending on their line of work. Their challenge: advise their team on how to communicate, attract, and sign on new (paying) users to their Plus and Premium plans.


We created a user and content strategy that helped them focus on the core value propositions of their note-taking app, as well working on SEO implementation that set them up to be found via search engines more easily. Buzzshift’s strategic result was a new, more relatable approach to content creation, grouped by broad vocation and industry archetypes. We recommended and mocked-up shareable blog posts and videos of best practices, along with real life examples of students, educators, creatives, and entrepreneurs.


BuzzShift helped Evernote to focus more on user value propositions, and less on feature sets. Evernote has since seen incremental growth in one of their most important products, Evernote Premium, and their revised information architecture has helped them maintain a #2 ranking in search engine results for “note taking app.”

~30 Employees
$10,000 Min Budget
1 Stories
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Dallas, Texas

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