Effex Management Solutions
Effex Management Solutions is about as niche as they come. In fact, their work is so specialized that they can only be in 150 facilities in the US. When they came to us, they had an outdated website and virtually no brand. Before us, they had relied solely on sales teams to grow the business. Their unique offering had been enough to grow the company initially, but now they were in some of the largest manufacturing facilities in the nation and generating $150M per year. It was time to build a good website backed by a solid brand, one that would be synonymous with their innovation, generate some warm leads, and start going public with thought leadership.
We redesigned the logo using a bold, modern color palette that incorporated the company's "infinite solutions" theme. Responsive Website Mobile Optimized Their old website used vague language, making it unclear what service the company actually provided. We communicated the value through visual elements, a clear hierarchy, and plenty of video. No more stock photos (hooray!). We put the CEO, Louis Flory, front and center on the home page. "Effex takes a unique approach to staffing, so we knew the best way to show this difference was through an innovative website that really stands out." We utilized a variety of videos to help visitors quickly grasp Effex's value. Several were testimonials videos plus a 3-minute clip featuring Louis, giving him the chance to personally share his vision for the company. SEO & Conversion Rate Our multi-pronged approach launched Effex to the top of their market. Effex went from being a moderately known business to a multi-award-winning nationally-recognized company. Our various efforts resulted in impressive results, including a 502% jump in organic traffic, a 261% increase in leads, over 20 PR placements, and over $40 million in new revenue generated.
20+ PR Placements 261% Increase in Leads
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