UX Consulting for Outdoor Gear eCommerce Site
AQ Outdoors is one of Canada’s premiere outdoor equipment stores, specializing in paddle sports. We worked with the AQ Outdoors team through a growth-driven user experience review, identifying key areas of improvement in their eCommerce experience.
We provided recommendations for the AQ Outdoors homepage, navigation, content marketing, and product categorization to aid in the flow of users to key product pages. We also consulted on improving abandon cart emails to win back more sales opportunities.
These changes resulted in massive returns, contributing to their 23% increase in Average Order Value, and 53% increase in total sales Quarter over Quarter.
Suits & Sandals
Suits & Sandals is an award winning brand communications and design agency. We help build brands–and connect them with people in impactful ways through a unique and intelligent approach to messaging, design, and technology predicated by deep and impactful research.
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