Public Relations Program Case Study: Good Gaming

A Marketing Story by Stockify Media about Good Gaming, Inc.
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Good Gaming, Inc.
Increase Brand Awareness


Increase brand awareness, press release distribution reach, and revitalize their shareholder base.


1. Utilize social media to tell the story to reach potential investors. The next step was amplification, which includes bringing in external software and influencers. 2. Build social proof around the Good Gaming brand by leveraging their active partnerships and operations. 3. Highlight the company equity in all promotional materials to increase the efficiency of the market for Good Gaming Stock.


The client experienced growth in several areas. 1. Social Media Growth + Engagements Increase 2. Shareholder Information Requests 3. Gain new Shareholders and Investor Inquiries 4. Larger Press Release Reach upwards of 300k extra impressions 5. Good Gaming, Inc. Experienced an appreciated stock price and a more efficient market for their equity as a result of the services provided above.

~5 Employees
$2,000 Min Budget
1 Stories
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Stockify Media

Madison, Connecticut

Stockify Media is a marketing & public relation agency that specializes in brand awareness and advertising campaigns. We help create meaningful discussions between companies and their potential investors and shareholders. Our services include– Full Service Digital Marketing: Email & SMS Communications Campaigns Paid Media Influencer Marketing Social Media Marketing SEO Strategy Google Ads Content Creation Services: Press Release Creation Ad Creation...

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