Helping a Trendy Restaurant Compete in a Big City

A Marketing Story by SharedTEAMS about Mild 2 Spicy
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Mild 2 Spicy
Increase Brand Awareness


The owners of Mild 2 Spicy had 30 years of experience making authentic Indian cuisine, but they were new to the restaurant business and new to marketing. They needed help taking market share in the highly-competitive Chicago market, which is home to more than 7,300 restaurants, on a small budget. To compete, Mild 2 Spicy needed help launching their advertising efforts and maintaining their social media efforts. A few years later, during the pandemic, they needed help pivoting all marketing efforts to feature their delivery and curbside services. Two years later, they needed help launching an entire branding redesign to align with their transition from authentic Indian cuisine to modern Indian cuisine.


Mild 2 Spicy’s owners worked with SharedTEAMS to: Develop competitive positioning and messaging guidelines. → By kicking off advertising efforts with clear positioning and messaging in place, Mild 2 Spicy was able to connect with its audience quickly in the competitive market. Hyper-target the local audience via social media ads. → Our advertising team quickly optimized ad spend by targeting the right audience right away and then continually refining it as it grew and changed over time. Launch and optimize search ads to drive online orders and restaurant dining based on search intent. → Our advertising team reduced the CPC by 60%. Quickly adjust all marketing and advertising messages to promote delivery and curbside services during the pandemic. → SharedTEAMS’ efficient processes enabled us to respond to industry changes within a day and adjust scheduled efforts in a few days or less. Overhaul social media design approach to align with their brand-new minimalistic branding style and website. → Our team reduced the number of billable hours by 20% by customizing pre-made templates based on their branding and goals.


Our team helped Mild 2 Spicy connect with their audience over many years, driving online delivery orders. We also reduced CPC by 60% and labor costs by about 20%.

~7 Employees
$2,000 Min Budget
7 Stories
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Miami, Florida

SharedTEAMS is a membership-based "shared marketing department" that supports small to medium-sized businesses across the globe. Our team works as a fluid extension of each of our member’s businesses by executing projects and developing strategies in whatever capacity is best for your unique needs. You can delegate any marketing task...

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