Ultra Auth

A Marketing Story by noorsoft-mobile.com about Ultra Auth
Ultra Auth
Improve User Experience


Application for secure biometric fingerprint or face identification using a smartphone applicable in corporate systems. Task To simplify user authorization in companies which store a high number of data. The employees spend a lot of time on passwords. To keep secure these passwords have to be frequently changed. Users tend to forget or confuse them, therefore they spend lots of time on passwords recovery and data access. Moreover, scammers can easily hack such accounts and steal the information.


No passwords We got an idea from the thesis that symbolic passwords are outdated - they are long to enter, difficult to remember and easy to steal. It may endanger company's secret information because hacking of just one computer can lead to the loss of confidential information of all the employees, trade secrets or private developments. Biometric identification doesn’t have all these disadvantages, that is why it performs as a background of the system we created. Without compromising security Ease of use needed to be combined with enhanced data security, otherwise corporate clients wouldn’t have trusted us. With this reason we have built a system where the mechanisms that were used guaranteed complete data security and unfailable user recognition. As easy as possible For ease of use we have created an easy and intuitive application management: just place a finger to the fingerprint scanner or bring the smartphone to your face. Authorization occurs instantly and does not require any effort. No need to memorize passwords, keep them all in one place. All you need is your smartphone Modern people always keep their smartphones on them, so we decided to use it as an identification tool. To reach the maximum number of users we developed an application on both most popular operating systems - iOS and Android. Technologies to protect your business We had a focus on corporate clients while not limiting the scope of their activities. This app may be useful both for IT companies or any other businesses in less innovative fields. 5 REASONS WHY ULTRA AUTH WILL BE USEFUL FOR YOU: You Keep Highly Confidential Information, For Example Technological Developments Or Personal Data Of Employees/Clients. You Have Many Employees And Each Of Them Needs To Have A Secure Account Specialists Are Constantly Logging In And Work From Different Offices Remotely The System Of Regular Updates Of Symbolic Passwords Is Inconvenient For Employees, Leads To Malfunctions And Constant Need To Reinstate Accounts. Have Already Experienced Corporate Data Loss Resulted By Account Hacking Integration of C++ library into React Native We have written our framework for interaction with the library in C++ based on Open Source framework Djinni. Probably we were one of the first who integrated C++ library into React Native project for Android and iOS and used it in production solution. For interaction with C++ code we have used Event Driven architecture and have built intermediate layers of Java, JNI, Objective C codes.


100% PROTECTION AGAINST CORPORATE ACCOUNTS THEFTS Application Ultra Auth for user identification using biometric data. Nowadays such system of user authorization is being used by more than dozen lleading american companies,among which there are HP, Shopify, IBM.

~2 Employees
$5,000 Min Budget
1 Stories
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