Now I know

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University Health System
Brand Development


Despite being the only academic medical center in the area and consistent national recognition, University Health System’s brand image suffers from the fact that many citizens of San Antonio/Bexar County hold on to a historical memory of the hospital as one that served only the poor, indigent and uninsured.


In 2019, NDP extended the high-performing phase 1 brand campaign for University Health System – “Some See. We See.” – by launching a next chapter of the “Thinking Beyond >” platform. This new, fully integrated campaign, “NOW I KNOW,” is built around the idea that “Knowledge is Power.” University Health System has the knowledge, innovations and new treatments to help their patients become more empowered in their health. This campaign highlights the advancements that University Health System is using to help their patients and their families know how to get the most out of their life and health.


Each piece of the campaigns highlights a real patient who benefitted from the unique knowledge and services available through University Health System.

~59 Employees
$25,000 Min Budget
1 Stories
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