ImageCare Centers

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ImageCare Centers
Increase Brand Awareness


In underserved communities, time constraints and media consumption habits pose significant challenges. African-American women in the Boomer and Gen X age groups engage less with traditional media. Additionally, the approach of medical professionals imploring check-ups might not resonate, potentially being seen as another task. Moreover, the concern about medical debt looms, particularly among New Jersey residents and African Americans, potentially deterring mammograms due to financial fears.


The goal of the ad campaign was to not only inform women in these underserved communities about the necessity and urgency of getting a mammogram but also to let them know that for New Jersey residents aged 40 and over, the service is free. PINK Breast Center uses the latest in 3D mammography technology, allowing them to detect instances of breast cancer sooner than traditional methods and with less pain and pressure.


This novel guerrilla marketing approach, unique in an age where so many things are social and digital, allowed the team to get to the heart of the issue with a message that was loud, clear, and convincing. The resulting mammogram bookings were up 300% from the previous year.

~5 Employees
$NaN Min Budget
2 Stories
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Jungle Communications

Jersey City, New Jersey

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