Janet Mavec Jewelry

A Marketing Story by Ink, about Janet Mavec
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Janet Mavec
Brand Development


Janet Mavec Jewelry (formerly “Orchard Jewelry”) is a fine-jewelry designer & manufacturer, run by renowned industry-veteran, Janet Mavec (formerly of J. Mavec & Company). Their line of nature-inspired, everyday jewelry had achieved much success in direct-to-consumer online sales, however, it also struggled with defining and differentiating its brand from prior enterprises founded by its owner; all of which were focused on the ultra-high-end segment of the industry. Extended Project Overview: The prior jewelry product lines were often adorned by celebrities, primarily sold at their own brick and mortar location (J. Mavec & Co.), Bergdorf’s, and included signature pieces for The Frick Collection and The Morgan Library. While an association with such success would normally be quite positive, for the client, it was somewhat challenging, as the new brand and product offerings were priced more affordably within typical customer markets and included a broader audience base with more cost-conscious segments. The client sought a revamped brand presence, with a new and well-defined brand voice & tone (both for the eCommerce store product descriptions and broader brand & promotional material) that would distinguish themselves and convey the value proposition of this new line.


BUYER PERSONA-DRIVEN BRAND DEVELOPMENT FOR CORE ECOMMERCE BUYERS We took stock of discrepancies within the existing brand voice and tone, highlight an inconsistent messaging architecture that could foster customer ambiguity. We then sought a new approach to more directly engage potential customers. After comprehensive buyer persona analysis, we began crafting new brand materials tailored specifically to the isolated elements of core audience personalities. Facing the complex challenge of identifying and developing a brand voice that was both “grounded” (in its relationship to customers) and “elevated” (in its product quality and refinement), we sought to root Janet Mavec Jewelry’s tone within the earthly world through a “nature-inspired” narrative that fused “the universal” and “the particular.” The Narrative: CREDIBLE, COMPELLING, AND CREATIVE MESSAGING ARCHITECTURE By focusing the brand narrative around nature—something accessible to us all—we sought to generate points of connection and resonance for this new audience base. Our messaging architecture revolved around “the universal” and “the particular;” isolating universally resonant aspects of the product which were situated within nature and then anchoring them in a more concrete and personable context, “the particular.” In this fashion, we sought to define a new brand that was both highly-relatable to a broad base and highly-relatable to each individual’s own context. The goal was to uplift and to add eminence to each jewelry items’ connection to our natural world with intrigue-inducing poeticism. From this redesigned brand voice, we created company identity materials (e.g. slogans, “Made by Nature. Finished by Hand”), provided web copy for product descriptions, and concepted accompanying promotional and email marketing campaigns (e.g. “Charmed to Meet You“) within this new “jewelry from nature” framework. Services BRAND IDENTITY, COPYWRITING, ECOMMERCE


Janet Mavec’s designer line of nature-inspired jewelry has been featured in publications like “Martha Stewart Living” magazine, Vogue, The New York Times, the Huffington Post, and Elle Magazine.

~5 Employees
$5,000 Min Budget
1 Stories
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New York, New York

Ink, Inc. is a full-service marketing agency in Brooklyn, NY. We specialize in strategic messaging, branding, and digital marketing services that drive growth.

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